Community NFTs Indicators

On Runbot, you can access a wide variety of indicators, from basics indicators like RSI, MACD, or advanced indicators like Orderflow, Liquidation, OpenInterest, HeatMap etc, that are all publics.

However, it is now possible to access privates indicators designed by a community member.

How to access Community indicators

To access any Community Indicator, you must hold the associated NFT. You can buy them on the secondary market here.

Once you’ve bought your NFT, simply connect your metamask to and you are good to start creating exclusives strategies.

Please note that, if you want to mint your Strategy that is including a Community Indicator, to an NFT and sell it later, the future buyer of the Strategy NFT has to hold a the associated Community Indicator NFT aswell to execute the strategy.

Collection fees

Community Indicators NFTs will have the exact same NFT collection fees as the Runbot collection, to learn more about it, refer to The Strategies NFTs Page.

If you’d like to create your own Indicators for Runbot and create your NFT Collection connected to Runbot, please contact the team on Discord.

Last updated

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