Mint Open-Source NFT

To mint your Open-Source Strategy NFT, go to

On your 'Mint a strategy NFT' Box, link your metamask account by cliking on the fox (or see our doc here to connect your Wallet). Confirm on the metamask pop-up and switch to the Arbitrum Network. If you need a bridge to transfer your Ethers from the Ethereum Chain to Arbitrum, you can use the official bridge:

Select 'Open source strategy' and the amount of NFT you want to mint at once. If you mint multiple NFTs at the same time, you can earn a discount (up to 30%).

Select the strategy you want to mint. Your strategy must be "NFT compatible" (feature available on the Strategy management Box) to display and be able to mint.

Then, select the backtest period duration that will be displayed and available on your NFT. If you decide a 1 year period, users will only be able to backtest the strategy on the last year and not longer.

If you want to, you can already set a sell price for your NFT, it will be automatically listed for sale (if enabled) at the choosen price. It is not a mandatory feature to mint.

Last updated