
Connect your Runbot Alerts with WunderTrading webhook to convert them into automated trading. WunderTrading will instantly manage and send your orders to your favorite exchange.

Please first note that you can only use 1 Runbot Strategy per WunderTrading Bot. If you want to run multiple strategies, you need to create as many bots on WunderTrading.

Once you get on the WunderTrading dashboard, click on "Signal Bot" on the left menu, the click on "Create Bot"

Then, select RunBot.io Alerts and click on "Create"

Once you get on the next page, please click again on "RunBot Alerts" to be sure that the menu and options are up to date

When registering your API key on WunderTrading, be sure to Enable the "HEDGE MODE".

To receive your Strategy Alerts directly on your WunderTrading account and automate your trading, first go to https://app.runbot.io/Bot/.

Click "+ Create a new credit webhook" and choose a name for your Webhook connection.

On the Bot webhook configuration box, select 'Linked strategy' and pick the strategy you want to receive alerts from.

Enter the exact amount of capital you wish to allocate to your trading strategy. The size of your orders will be based on this reference, which can be a lower or a higher amount, depending on the leverage of your strategy.

Select "WunderTrading". The WunderTrading Webhook URL will then appear automatically.

Pick a name for your bot, a description, the exchange you want to trade on and the API aswell.

Directly enable "Custom amount sent from Runbot.io" in Trading amount.

Set max number of position at 100.

Copy the "Enter long" (on the top right) message.

Paste the "Enter long" message you just copied before, in the Additionnal Data on Runbot, fill the key area:

You do not need to enter other informations such as ENTER SHORT or EXIT etc, only ENTER-LONG is needed in order to work for all type of orders.

You can track all your active positions here: https://wundertrading.com/en/trader/positions#/classic

Happy trading!

Last updated